“Fertő land along the border project”-curriculum for the complex natural science subject
A profession-specific curriculum and syllabus have been produced with new methodology and content for the Complex Natural Science subject introduced in Hungary in the September of 2016. The one year experiment was conduced with year 9 pupils in Aladár Porpáczy Vocational Training School in Fertőd. The basis was given by Mária Kováts-Németh’s work “Forest Pedagogy Project”. The first module of “Fertő Land along the border” as study material is “The natural wildlife and development of Fertő Land”, which serves to present the geology and climate of Fertő Land. The second, “Place identity and cultural behaviour”, discusses the cultural values and local customs typical of Fertő Land. The third part, “Healthy lifestyle”, deals with local medicinal herbs and the dishes, medicinal waters, farmers, and folk healing practices characteristic of the region. Part of the project is presented in the article.
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