The Aspects of Nature Education and Species Diversity in the Teaching Methodology of Hungarian Biology Teachers

  • Éva Nagy Eszterhazy Karoly University
Keywords: Keywords: teaching biodiversity in Hungarian school yards; opinion of 800 Hungarian natural science especially Biology teachers; species diversity, trees, animals and plants



Nowadays young students are the most significant target group who need to gain experience from the world that currently exist around them in order to acquire knowledge about the up-to-date environmental and nature conservation matters, especially about the issue of biodiversity as the basis of our existence. But do we teach them what is around them in the science lessons? In many cases, the drastic decline in biodiversity might due to the fact that young generation does not always have access to sufficient and up-to-date information merely from textbooks. However, experience of the immediate environment and the active involvement of the wildlife provided by the schools would be irreplaceable. In this article I intend to summarize the results of a test, which was filled up by 800 Hungarian science teachers who have undertaken to give their opinion about their habits going out to the nature while teaching. The analysis extends to other species diversity matters such as examining the school garden or the trees nearby and it also mentions other segments that might even be essential to the effectiveness of our school curricula. The current article was written as part of a tender called the effect of light pollution on wildlife EFOP 3.6.2-16-2017-00014, biodiversity in particular.


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Online References
How to Cite
Nagy, Éva. (2020). The Aspects of Nature Education and Species Diversity in the Teaching Methodology of Hungarian Biology Teachers. Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences, 10(2), 41-60.
Articles and Studies